Eximo liberas
Eximo liberas

“The boringly infantile Stewart Lee.” Peter Ould, Youtube “Comedy vehicle? more of a comedy ‘right off!'” Guest, Here’s to hoping this particular vehicle runs off the road. “Only a Sun reader could mistake this dross for intelligent comedy. “Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle seems to be driving itself up his backside.” Jamespearse, Twitter “I want to run Stewart Lee over in his own comedy vehicle.” Robert Gavin, Twitter Whoever this youth is, he sounds about as funny as three weeks of really bad weather!” Shane, Beverley, .uk “Stewart Lee should jump in his ‘comedy vehicle’ and drive it off a very high cliff.

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Stewart Lee should have ‘cunt’ stamped onto his forehead with a branding iron.”‘ Coxy, “If this is supposed to be a “Comedy Vehicle,” someone had better call the RAC to get it started. “If this is supposed to be a “Comedy Vehicle,” someone had better call the RAC to get it started.” Gmanthedemon, “If this is supposed to be a “Comedy Vehicle,” maybe someone should call the RAC to get it started.” Gwaites, Digitalspy “Prime example of a well educated looooooser.” Rudeness, Youtube “Stewart Lee, I will shove my thick cock in your throat you gay lord.” Hiewy, Youtube He’s a total dick cheesecake.” Neva2busy, “See that stupid look on his face….you just know he would have that exact same facial expression if he was getting the kicking of his life. Unfortunately now he comes across as a chaotic drunk.” Foxfoxton, Youtube “Is Stewart Lee supposed to be funny? Because he’s really not.” Keilloh, Twitter “All this man seems to be able to do is dance about going “ah ha ha ha ha ha!’ So incredibly unfunny.” Emilyistrendy, Youtube “3rd rate comedian and politically correct maggot.” Anonymous, The Northfield Patriot “Fuck this Stewart Lee twat, fuck anyone that agrees with him, and FUCK PC.” Mearecate, Youtube “I hope stewart lee dies.” Idrie, Youtube If he was burned alive it could raise serious cash.” Mrdavisn01, Twitter “Stewart lee is a shit comedian doing a shit impression of a shit comedian. “The most overrated smug twat ever.” Syhr, .uk “One man I would love to beat with a shit covered cricket bat.” Joycey, Completely unfunny, dated, painful SHIT.” Anon, “Five minutes of Stewart Lee makes me want to kill myself. Boring as hell and unfunny.” Peter Ould, Twitter “I used to think stewart lee was quite good, then i spoke to him at edinburgh festival.

eximo liberas

“I saw him at a gig once, and even offstage he was exuding an aura of creepy molesty smugness.” Yukio Mishima, “Stewart Lee is a massive asshole.” Secretdeveloper, Youtube He’s like Ian Huntley to me.” Wharto15, Twitter “A cultural bully from the Oxbridge Mafia who wants to appear morally superior but couldn’t cut the mustard on a panel game.” Lee Mack, Mack The Life, 2012 “Stewart Lee is not funny and has nothing to say”, James Dellingpole, Daily Telegraph Some punctuation has been inserted to attempt to render the comments comprehensible, whilst trying not to compromise the wild and unfettered spirit of gay abandon that so characterises the original missives.

eximo liberas

#Eximo liberas series

Some posts from apparently different commentators on different message boards appear to use the same material, suggesting much of the content either derives from a central content bank, or is produced by the same commentator in a series of different identities. Multiple posts from the same critic have sometimes been compounded. Though the starts of new sentences have been capitalised throughout, all spelling and grammatical errors are the contributors’ own and have been retained so as not to misrepresent them. A selection of negative criticism of Stewart Lee drawn from on-line message boards, and also from print and broadcast media, from June 2004 – June 2011.Īll the quotes herein have been culled principally from internet message boards and, in some cases, from local and national papers, and broadcast media, 2004-2011, but principally from the latter two years of that period, when I was on television sometimes.

Eximo liberas